TRAINING LIBRARY Session 5 Content and Links

Disciplining Employees

Key Topics Covered in this session:

  • Discipline is a necessary skill for all supervisors
  • Employers should never ignore performance issues
  • Feedback on performance (good or not so good) is important
  • Clarify discipline lines of authority within your store(s)
  • Use an Employee Handbook to specify all discipline procedures
  • Always investigate and document all the facts of a misconduct incident
  • Serious misconduct requires more fact finding, witnesses and video (if available)
  • Proper preparation of a disciplinary memo to employee
  • How to conduct a proper disciplinary meeting (with another manager present)
  1. Employee Handbook
  • May contain policies on discipline and termination
  • Make sure you have a signed handbook receipt for every employee
  1. Document, Document, Document
  • Extremely important to document performance and conduct issues
    • A document counts much more than a verbal statement
    • “Picture is worth a thousand words” – same for documents
  • Consistency is the key -- All employees must be treated the same for the same offense
  • Seriousness and repeated offenses should determine the level of discipline
  • Examples of types of discipline:
    • Verbal warning
    • Written warning
    • Performance plan (with certain amount of time to correct)
    • Written warning with suspension
    • Termination (if necessary)
  1. Preparing the Disciplinary Memo
  • Make sure discipline invoked is consistent with handbook policies
  • Briefly describe the infraction and what they need to do to improve
  • Inform the employee the consequence if they do not improved
  1. The Disciplinary Meeting Process
  • When administering the disciplinary meeting, another manager should be present
  • Give employee a copy of written discipline, have employee sign and retain a signed copy
  • If employee refuses to sign, note that on the discipline form and sign the notation
  1. Post Disciplinary Meeting Desired Outcomes
  • Employee has no doubt what employer’s expectations are
  • Specific instructions on what the employee needs to improve
  • What will happen if employee does not improve
  • Finally, invite the employee to follow-up with any follow-up questions he or she may have
  1. Remember the Attorney Helpline is there to help you through the process (877-376-4100)

Helpful Website Links on this Topic

EPRMA Training Helpful Hints

We recommend beginning your training by viewing the mandatory “Welcome to EPRMA Training” and then sequentially taking Session 1 through Session 6 The session content is best learned in this manner.

Training Center

This is your main training session menu and progress-tracking page. You can check your completions status at any time throughout your online training experience. You will also be able to check your overall course progress to assess time and sessions remaining.

Session Start Page

On each selected session, you will see a brief outline of the session content to the left and see a video poster frame on the right to get you going with an overview video. Also, please note that from this start page you can also “Replay Video,” “Go to Training Questions” only after viewing video and/or “Go to Next Session” if you want to view all videos before taking on the session questions.

Session Questions

All session question pages lead with a topic question and offer 3-4 answers and you can only advance to the next question by selecting a “Correct” answer. When you get to the final question of the session, you will see a white button that says “Session Completed.” Upon selection of the final “Correct” answer, you will see a green button that says “Session Completed >”. Click this button and you will see a 100% bar on this Session in the Training Center.

Full Course Completion

When your overall progress bar shows 80% or higher, you are one session away from successfully completing the full EPRMA Training Course. On your final session, when you get to the final question, you will see a white button that says “Course Completed” when you are on the final question. Upon selection of the “Correct” answer, you will be automatically delivered to the final “ Completion Form” page where you will verify a few questions and complete the full EPRMA Training Course. Your successful completion will generate a confirmation email.